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The Road to Success with NVVA!

During the early years, the Learning Coach plays a key role in developing study skills and effecting the learning. As students become more independent in middle school and high school years, the Learning Coach typically spends less time on daily oversight and guidance.


We strongly recommend that a parent be available at home with the student or that another responsible adult is designated to serve as the student's Learning Coach.


Check out these videos for more support on your new virtual learning journey:



Track Your Student's Progress

As a Learning Coach, check your student's progress on a weekly basis.  Print off their weekly plan before the start of each week to compare their completed lessons in the OLS at the end of the week. Communicate with your homeroom teacher to discuss your student's progress.  Every student and learning coach has access to view how the student is progressing in each course.  Simply log into the OLS and click the progress tab.


Be Organized

Keep a binder or folder for every subject.  Learning Coaches may help students preview then gather materials needed prior to starting each daily or weekly plan.  Students need a routine to be successful. Work together with your student to come up with a good and flexible school routine. 


Communicate and Reach Out for Support
You are now embarking on a new education journey where everything and everyone is online.  Just like learning a new job, it will be scary and a little challenging at first but don't give up.  Reach out to your teacher.  Communicate with your homeroom teacher either through kmail messages or phone conferences to discuss your student's individual learning plan.  Most importantly, talk to your student about their courses.  Guide your student through the lessons together.  Celebrate their successes. 


NVVA Mentor Program

Are you a new learning coach?  Do you want to connect with parents who are already in our program? The NVVA Mentor Program is the perfect opportunity to get answers to all your questions from a veteran NVVA parent: from the K¹² curriculum and online lessons to social opportunities and enrollment. You can also find out what a day in their life with K¹² and NVVA is like.  Contact your homeroom teacher for more details.

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